2002- ERS Limits
taught by Calypso Learning Services
Enterprise Limits, a component of the Calypso Enterprise Risk Solution (ERS) suite, is a cost-effective, efficient solution for limits management across the enterprise. The Calypso Enterprise Limits solution includes both the Market Risk Limits and Credit Risk Limits modules.
Calypso Enterprise Market Risk Limits allows you to set, monitor and manage limits on Positions, P&L, Greeks, Value at Risk, and Stress Scenarios using configurable aggregation hierarchies on attributes such as product, book, currency, country and sector. Trading activity oversight takes place using a configurable dashboard that can be customized to display real-time alerts to the appropriate limits monitoring groups.
The Calypso Enterprise Credit Limits module provides comprehensive solutions for monitoring and managing real-time limits across a variety of risk categories: Settlement Risk, Credit Exposure, Issuer Risk, and Tenor Risk. Calypso Enterprise Credit Limits supports counterparty and netting hierarchies, and has extensive excess management workflow capabilities to ensure that appropriate action is always taken in the event of a limits breach.
The benefits of using Calypso Enterprise Limits include:
Rich desk-level functionality to support decisions on a trade or portfolio basis
Real-time limit control for monitoring and managing risks in counterparty, issuer, market, credit, and other bespoke trading situations
Holistic risk management of limit types on a single application
Exposure consolidation across measures
Geographic, industry, and rating type exposure concentration in real-time
Enterprise limits defined at any level–trader, desk, book, entity and by currency, product/group, or source system
Controllable transparency adhering to a “four-eyes” principle
Calypso Learning Services
Introduction to ERS limits
ERS Limits: Overview
ERS Limits: Dashboard Configuration
ERS Limits - Credit Risk Limit Measure Definition
ERS Limits: Credit Exposure Configuration Video
ERS Limits: Creating Hierarchies Video
ERS Limits Configuration & Parameters
ERS Limits: Limit Groups
ERS Limits: Market Risk and Market Risk Hierarchy
ERS Limit Measure Validation
Front Office Support and Limit Workflow
ERS Limits Violation Management
ERS Limits: Violations Video
ERS Limits: Authorization & Audit Panels
ERS Limits: Check Limits Panel
ERS Limits: EOD Report Configuration
ERS Limits: Configuring Reports
ERS Limits: Scheduled Tasks and Batch Jobs
ERS Limits- FAQs